Optimizing Survey Access Control Services Telecommunications and Information Commission / USO - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumba Barat Daya Regency

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Optimizing Survey Access Control Services Telecommunications and Information Commission / USO

Optimizing Survey Access Control Services Telecommunications and Information Commission / USO

October 21, 2014 | BPS Activities

     Understanding the Universal Service Obligation (USO) which translates senagai Universal Service Obligations (KPU) telecommunications, referring to the government to ensure the availability of public services for citizens even though the state does not directly play a role as an organizer of the event.

    The purpose KPU / USO among others overcome the digital divide (equal access to information technology and communication, support and support economic activity, strengthening defense and security as well as educate the nation). Provision of access to telecommunications and information services within the framework of the Commission / USO should be in the Telecommunications Universal Service Area (wput) is underdeveloped, border, and areas that are not economically feasible.

    There are 14 programs KPU / USO that two of them are the District Internet Service Center (PLIK) and Village Ring. PLIK is providing internet access healthy, cheap, and safe in the capital district. Ring village is the village that gets the basic telephone service is a phone and sms services for remote areas, planting areas, borders, and regions that are not economically feasible as well as areas not reached by the access and telecommunication services.

    Providers and business hall Financing Telecommunications and Informatics (BP3TI) has a fundamental duty and function in the construction of the Commission? USO in rural and urban areas not reached by the accessibility of telecommunications and information services to the public. In carrying out the duties and functions, BP3TI will conduct Optimization Services Telecommunications and Internet access in 2014. To carry out these activities in cooperation with BPS BP3TI to perform data collection and Rural PLIK assets Ring in 12 provinces in Indonesia. Especially for East Nusa Tenggara Province only do data collection PLIK assets. Data from these activities will then be used as the development of indicators and information about the development of the means PLIK and Ringing in the Indonesian village.

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